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Why One Local Artist Has An Issue With New Year's And What She Did About It


I hate New Year's Eve. It is my least favorite holiday. It is long, cold, and anti-climactic.

I'm sorry, it had to be said.

And no amount of sequins or glitter confetti can make it better. It marks the end of a warm, bright season and the plunge into the gray of New England winter. So, how do you combat that little voice in your head telling you that the world is freezing and the only place you are truly happy is 6 blankets deep, buried in your bed? For me, it's about focusing on the good, the accomplishments and achievable goals of the past year and the upcoming one. In our house we start with a twist on the Buddhist tradition of the fire ceremony. We write our intentions for the year, then fold them into stars. They get tucked away, until the following NYE, when we open them, read them, have a laugh or give ourselves a little high-five, then we burn them. And poof, just like that no guilt. Just letting go and preparing for the new adventure. And this year's adventure is about doing warm hearted, positive things and spreading beauty because man, does this world need it right now.


More About Beth 

Beth Braganca Bell is an illustrator and designer, born and raised in RI. She came back to Providence after moving to Boston to attend MassArt, to live and work alongside her husband, Mike at their multimedia production house, embee studio and raise their twin girls. You can see more of her work at:


All photos are courtesy of Beth Braganca Bell.