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We're Dishing On This Delightful Providence Ice Cream Pop Up

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The Best Time For Ice Cream Is Always

This month I have gone out of my way to revisit old favorites around the state such as Brickley’s in Narragansett, the recently relocated Clementine’s in EG, and of course, Gray’s at the Four Corners in Tiverton to enjoy a cup or cone. (Another “Patty J” forever fave? You gotta go to St. Clair’s in Watch Hill!)

Heck yeah, those were all yummy, but I have news about the hottest (translation? hard to get hands on) ice cream pop-up once again this summer.

I actually found out about it via a Povidence friend’s IG. She designs custom wedding gowns (and more) and previously worked on major projects for tv and movies including Dave Letterman’s CBS chat show.

It all started when I saw her posting about some fig leaf ice cream and pluot (a hybrid fruit created in the late 1980’s that’s 75% plum and 25% apricot) sorbet goodness.

If you’re someone who lives for treats made with in-season, locally-sourced ingredients, as well as intriguing combinations and flavor experiences, you too are gonna flip.

Also, it’s a marvelous way to extend that summer feelin as we glide into August.

I’m talking about Providence’s Big Feeling Ice Cream and they are strictly pop-up, so you can’t just walk up to a window or counter any ole time and order from their menu.

Picking Up Some Big Feeling Ice Cream…

If your interest is piqued, you’ll want to know that past flavors include Salty Chocolate, Mascarpone, Strawberry Kumquat With Mint, and Mango & Lime Leaf Sorbet.

Sounds tasty and inspired, amirite?

I would strongly recommend checking out their Insta to see where they’ll be next, when they will be opening up PVD pick-up, etc.

One Of My Containers Of Big Feeling I.C.

And who knows, maybe we’ll pass one another on our way to pick up our respective orders of Big Feeling NEXT WEEK?

As always, if you find yourself crushing on Big Feeling Ice Cream after reading THIS, please let them (and all your friends and fam) know you found them via Patty J and

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✨ This post has been updated from one that originally appeared on the site last summer. ✨