The Middletown Farm Where You Can Cuddle Baby Goats PLACES TO GOPatty JFebruary 10, 2024MiddletownRI, SimmonsFarmRI, NewportCounty, BabyGoats, MiddletownRhodeIsland, VisitRhodeIsland, DiscoverNewportComment
The Wonderful Wildlife Refuge In Coventry, Rhode Island For A Winter Hike PLACES TO GOPatty JFebruary 6, 2024CoventryRI, CoventryRhodeIsland, GeorgeParkerWoodlandWildlifeRefuge, AudubonSocietyRI, VisitRI, DiscoverRI, ExploreRhodeIsland, ExploreYourBackyardComment
The Fairy Tea Party In Coventry, Rhode Island Happening During February Vacation PLACES TO GOPatty JFebruary 5, 2024CoventryRI, CoventryRhodeIsland, FairyTeaParty, FairviewGardensRI, FebruarySchoolVacay, FebruaryInRhodeIsland, WinterInRhodeIslandComment
The Beautiful, New Spa And Yoga Studio In South Kingstown, Rhode Island PLACES TO GOPatty JJanuary 29, 2024ShepherdsRun, SouthKingstownRI, SouthCountyRI, Mind+Body, WakefieldRIComment
A Cute Theater In Narragansett For Movies And Snacks This Weekend PLACES TO GOPatty JJanuary 27, 2024NarragansettPier, GansettRI, NarragansettRhodeIslandComment
We Rode The Bumpers On Ice At Providence's City Center And Wow PLACES TO GOPatty JJanuary 3, 2024PVDRI, BankNewportCityCenter, DowncityProvidence, ProvidenceRhodeIsland, IceBumperCars, BumperCarsOnIceComment