Five Places To Walk Your Dog This Summer In Rhode Island PLACES TO GOPatty JJuly 23, 2024DogWalkingInRhodeIsland, RIDogs, PlacesInRhodeIsland, WhereToWalkYourDogInRIComment
The New Cafe For Fresh Flowers And Sips In North Kingstown PLACES TO GOPatty JJuly 22, 2024buttercupflowertruck, NorthKIngstownRI, WickfordVillage, HistoricWickfordVillage, ButtercupFlowerAndWineBarComment
It's St. Mary's Feast Weekend In Cranston, Rhode Island's Little Italy PLACES TO GOPatty JJuly 18, 2024StMarysFeast, CranstonRI, KnightsvilleRI, KnightsvilleCranstonComment
Seas The Day With A Relaxing Ferry Ride From Providence To Newport PLACES TO GOPatty JJuly 14, 2024Seastreak, RhodeIslandComment
The Dog Friendly Beach In North Kingstown For Walks With Your Pup PLACES TO GOPatty JJuly 12, 2024RhodeIsland, Quonset, NorthKIngstownRI, NorthKIngstownRhodeIsland, RhodeIslandBeaches, NorthKingstownComment
The Cute Providence Landmark That's Reopening For Tours This Summer PLACES TO GOPatty JJune 25, 2024BetseyWilliams, BetseyWilliamsCottage, RWP, RWPConservancy, RogerWilliamsPark, SummerinRhodeIslandComment