We Tried The Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate At This Providence Cafe FOODPatty JDecember 16, 2024SmoresHotChocolate, CafecitoPVD, FederalHillPVD, DeanStreet, ProvidenceFOODComment
We Had Breakfast At This Darling Diner In Coventry, Rhode Island FOODPatty JDecember 13, 2024RickNDees, CoventryRI, RhodeIslandDiners, CoventryRhodeIslandComment
We Found The Cutest Santa Claus House In Rhode Island PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 12, 2024BristolRI, SantaClausHouseBristol, EastBayRI, BristolRhodeIsland, ChristmasInBristolComment
The Rhode Island Store That's Like Somewhere In A Hallmark Christmas Movie PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 11, 2024MadeInRhodeIsland, WestKingstonRI, SouthCountyRI, PeterPotsPottery, RISD, MOMAComment
Dressing Up My Life With Salads From This Bonnet Shores, Rhode Island Restaurant FOODPatty JDecember 10, 2024NarragansettRI, GansettRI, GreenhouseGansett, BonnetShoresComment
The Festive Stand In Foster For Goat Milk Soap, Christmas Wreaths, And Crafts PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 9, 2024FosterRhodeIsland, OldhamCornerCreations, ChristmasInRhodeIsland, RhodeIslandHonorStands Comments