Being A Blogging: There's No Shame In Getting A Spray Tan
My Glasses from OPTX
Had coffee today at L’Artisan Cafe with an articulate and funny friend who used to be my neighbor back in the days when I lived in West Broadway, Providence, RI. He’s also a prolific writer, reader and highly entertaining storyteller. (Watch for our profile of him - and other cool people - soon!)
Truthfully though, talking with him did make me feel guilty about not reading more lately and doing lots of superficial stuff like getting my hair and makeup done or booking a spray tan tomorrow. But a spray tan can be extremely flattering if it looks natural and I am going to a wedding on Sunday, so why the heck not?
Yes, my appointment for a spray tan is tomorrow at Glistening Goddesses in Johnston, RI. I hear good things about them and I also hear that I need to exfoliate big time beforehand and wear loose black clothing. Fingers crossed all goes well. My biggest fears are a streaky tan, followed closely by an orange one. Hopefully, neither of those will be an issue at this time tomorrow evening. #StayTuned