This Weekend: It's A 90's Flashback

My new intern, Ashley, started this week and I had this idea that we'd go over to the East Side yesterday to find this 'secret garden' that someone had taken me to back in the 90's. Thought it might be something to put up on the blog. Here's what actually happened.

The Back Story

For much of the first half of the 90's, I was in an on-again, off-again relationship. Anyway, during one of the off-again periods, I met this guy whose idea of impressing me was making me cut thru people's backyards (or so it seemed) with him on a cold fall day in order to get to this garden behind what is now (maybe it was then too? Who remembers?) the Providence Preservation Society. Y'ok. Whatevs. And I thought he was taking me somewhere nice for coffee or lunch. I can laugh about it now. Kind of...Not really, but I thought it might be something cool to feature here.

Here It Is

Flash forward to yesterday, when I met back up with Ashley on Meeting St. - after a parking crisis that had me walking five blocks of broken sidewalks, with alternating cobblestones, and one very steep hill, all in heels, (Note to self - Don't wear heels to walk around the East Side, unless you're walking from the car into 'like' the Mills Tavern or something.) and we found the garden. Yup. It's still there and still beau-ti-ful, but over grown. It needs some attention. (dEar powers that be, it needs LOVE.) 

*If you're planning on taking a potential or actual date there to impress, better also take them to a cafe (see the next section for an idea) for coffee and lunch or brunch as well. #SpendSomeMoney

One Fine Cup Of Coffee

Of course, I co-opted that from Twin Peaks, which I spent a lot of time watching and trying to decipher (along with my relationship and my life, not to get all philosophical and introspective on you or anything) during the very early 90's. True Story: I did have a phenomenal latte at this Asian cafe - called DEN DEN - on Benefit that we literally stumbled upon after leaving Meeting St. First of all, not to sound superficial, but the exterior and interior are so neat that they make the perfect backdrop for any "I'm in a cafe drinking coffee or having lunch/brunch" Instagram posts you might want to put up this season. Just. Sayin. ("They" also have outlets at every indoor table, so you can charge your smart phone or lap top too. Wink.)

And More...

All that aside, we met the owner, Min, and he was super nice to us. Funny coincidence is that Ashley actually studied abroad in South Korea (She absolutely loved it there btw!) and was pretty impressed with everything about DEN DEN, including the menu. She's definitely going back with her husband. And you should go! (I've never been more serious.)

Ciao for Now,

Patty J


Photo Credits: All photos by Ashley Caldarone; To see more of her work, click here