Lost And Found In Rhode Island
Who gets lost in RI?
Yesterday, I did.
On my way to Warren.
A 15 or 20 minute drive that took me about 45.
Not all that shocking when (if we're all being really honest with ourselves) most of us rarely venture outside our “RI comfort zones,” which I've surmised is anywhere within a 5-10 minute drive from home or j-o-b. To support my theory, I happen to have some great anecdotal evidence. In fact, I was just chatting recently with a friend, who confided that she has a heck of a time (if she could twist your arms, she would people, lol) getting friends to meet her anywhere other than her neighborhood - say in Providence for ex. - for drinks or dinner. Because it would require them to drive beyond their 5-10 minute comfort zone. And find parking. #WeAreAllGuilty
Finally made it to Warren. Getting lost makes me hungry...And I was the only person wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day. Ever notice that so many bloggers seem to always be wearing shades in their pictures? It's b/c no one in shades ever takes a bad pic. Mystery solved.
So, in case you're keeping track, I got lost in RI, despite having an I-Phone, with Google Maps and Siri, who btw ALWAYS seems to misunderstand my questions and urgent pleas for directions or help.
Found: Are You A Fan Of Coffee Cabinets?
Stepping thru the door at Delekta's is about as close as you'll get to being able to tell your friends that you traveled back in time. Especially if you're someone who remembers when people in RI used to order - and drink lots of - coffee cabinets, aka, coffee ice cream mixed with coffee syrup and milk, all the time. (A few of my older brothers used to live on them btw.) #TheyAreNotFurniture
You'll want to get yourself over to Delekta Pharmacy, on 496 Main St, Warren, to enjoy one. Like now...It's the only old time-y drug store in the Ocean State that, as far as I know, still has a fountain for serving ice cream and coffee cabinets. Shades of It's A Wonderful Life's Harry Bailey, as a kid, working at Gower's Drug Store, scooping ice cream at the fountain. (Another must see movie! I was lucky enough to get to see it, with two of my brothers, on the big screen at the Cable Car at Christmas time a few year ago.)
Ciao For Now,
Photo Credits: All Photos by Ashley Farney; Click here to see more of her work.