The Shopping List: Noon in Pawtuxet Village

Just when I thought Pawtuxet Village couldn't get any better, Noon Design Shop, which marries storefront and studio (the idea being that customers get to shop and meet 'the makers'), goes and moves from PVD into the Custom House Building, which dates all the way back to 1760. The interior, however, is far from dated. It feels fresh, vibrant, and updated, with plenty of light and room to breathe, move, and browse. Nora, RI native and co-owner, who also designs all the jewelry, is equally as delightful. I had a chance to chat with her yesterday, about everything from relocating to The Village (She. Is. Thrilled.) to some of their hottest sellers.
Noon has two other locations, one in California and another in New Jersey, and its owners pride themselves on only carrying merch handmade in the USA. Like their candles, hand poured in San Diego. Speaking of SD, all their perfumes (Check out their selection of solid perfumes when you go. They make a fab gift for anyone who seems to always be on the go and/or is obsessed with beauty and fragrance.) and body products are actually made there as well. Nice to know, right? I mean, back in my retail days, people were forever asking about made in the US and most of the time, I had little to nothing to show.
In addition, you'll also find a great deal that's made in Rhode Island. Like Nora's wildly popular earrings, made with highly covetable Swarovski crystals. (See photo above.) Or their signature tea towels that I hear will be included in an upcoming monthly subscription box from a well-known online retailer. (That's MAJOR!) Then there's the local honey. True Story: You won't get honey that's more local than the one carried at Noon. That's because the bees and the keeper reside right in The Village, in walking distance of the shop in fact. (PS - The Keeper also happens to be Nora's father.)
Now, I'll leave you with two words - Happy Shopping.
Ciao for Now,
Patty J
Photo Credits: All photos courtesy of me