The Back Story About This Local Business Will Surprise You In A Big Way

I was fortunate enough to achieve my college dreams pretty quickly by building a water special effects company called AQUA. My partner and I collaborated with some of the biggest names in music, throwing concerts and festivals all over the world and using part of our revenues to help the global water crisis. Never fully felt like we knew what we were doing, but Home Depot and Google helped that a lot.

At the height of our career, my partner and I were designing proposals for Phish, String Cheese Incident, The Weeknd and a touring water and fire festival stage. I was barely 24 and it would seem that my life was already a smashing success.

In reality, I was beginning to see how pieces of my life were empty like they weren’t before. It wasn’t as good as it was hyped up to be.

Touring made me miss key elements of a healthful life. Things like having a healthy diet, a regular sleeping pattern, consistent gym schedule, and even seeing my close friends on a consistent basis. I didn’t realize how much I was missing until it was gone. I had a sweet career, but that wasn’t enough to live a great life.

So we bailed on it all together.

I know, sounds nuts.


But I needed to walk away into a clear space to answer a question that had been nagging at me: what makes a full life? What does it mean to fully embrace your life, to enjoy it, to live inspired and motivated? What does it mean to take this one shot at life and do something truly epic with it? 

Like the geek I am, I started cranking through books from people that have changed the world. People like the founders of Nike, Walmart, Keller Williams, Bob Goff from Love Does and many more. I thought: they’ve probably got it close to figured out. I just need to see what they say. So I bought a journal from CVS and wrote a “book report” on around 20 books. I then went through my notes and highlighted common pieces. From there, I wrote my own book called Life to the Full (not yet available to the public).

This process of reading and journaling opened up my mind in remarkable ways. Something about reading and then reflecting pen to paper made me learn about myself in ways I’ve never experienced before. I want every Son and Daughter to experience the same thing I did, to have a space where they can intentionally learn from people wiser than them and use those lessons to determine the direction of their own life.

So we’ve created the journal program.

Here’s how it works: When they join the Rent Sons team, every Son and Daughter is given a journal, along with access to a “Life to the Full,” educational experience. Every 15 jobs they complete successfully, they receive a fifty-cent hourly raise. Along with that raise comes a new lesson to help their personal growth. The lesson is designed for personal reflection but also discussion with their Community Builder and the Rent Sons community at large.

Across the span of ten lessons, the educational experience will cover ten areas of life that we believe will empower our Sons and Daughters to experience a fuller life. We cover topics including investing and financial planning, career, where to live, embracing community, and giving back etc. By the end of their Rent Sons journey, they’ll have a journal THEY wrote on how to experience a life with no regrets.



More About Pat

Hi! I’m Pat Brown, I’m from Little Compton, Rhode Island and am the founder of a social enterprise called Rent Sons. My mission is for young adults everywhere to love their lives and be more locally united.