Move Over Avo Toast! Here's What's Next For Brunch, Lunch & Beyond...

Avo Toast is delicious, but in terms of social (media) and the ever popular food porn, it's OVER. I mean, when style blogger and Instagram superstar Something Navy goes so far as to apologize for uploading a pic that happens to include said toast, you just know. #ItsToast

What's next? Avo fries! And you don't have to be a vegetarian or vegan to be #obsessed. My favourite place to get them right now is Perro Salado in Newport. Around the corner from the Jailhouse Inn (Yes, it was a jail back in the day.), between Broadway and Thames, it's somewhere cute and charming you might miss, if you're not looking specifically, and that would be a cryin shame. 

The other night, I was there with my friend S., who (again...not to throw her under the bus but) is one of the toughest restaurant customers/critics ever when it comes to quality of the food, how it's prepared and presented, and service. So, she was wild for their avo fries and everything else we ordered, including the scallop appetizer, a white bean and kale salad, and a roasted butternut quash small plate. If that doesn't make you want to go (They do quite the crazy busy brunch biz as well.), then I just don't know. 

Also, I re-learned that you can't take a decent photo at night using an I-Phone camera. Even my VSCO App let me down. (**SMH**) So, full disclosure, these snaps are from last year, but that doesn't mean my rave about the fries and this place is any less legit. (I did post some shadow-y shots over on Insta Story. Whatevs.)

Ciao for Now,

Patty J


Photo Credits: Photos above courtesy of