Stay Salty: 4 Things To Know Before Beaching It This Weekend


With Summer 20-18 in full swing, here's some advice from a few ultimate beach bums in the Ocean State who also happen to be regular contributors to this blog. Looking to kick back and enjoy your next beach weekend in Rhode Island this season? Scroll on for their words of warmer weather wisdom.

1. Stop stressing over packing a cooler. This is why they have takeout and sell ice at gas stations. 

2. If you're a parent, stop yelling at your kid in front of other people on the beach. News flash: IT MAKES EVERYONE uncomfortable! (This happened the other day. The parent yelled, "Get out of my face!" to their child, and it was extremely uncomfortable to all of us relaxed beacher-goers.)

3. Don't underestimate alcohol + the sun, even if your tolerance is more than one drink. 1 drink x 1 hour in the sun = double the drunk, which is dangerous, yet somewhat satisying (just kidding...kind of).

4. Unfortunatly your beach day will end, try not get sad - enjoy the moment. And remember to stay and watch the sunset. After 5 on the beach is THE BEST!

Team Patty J

*This post has been updated and revised from one that appeared previously on the site.