You Can Tour The Underground Vaults At This Museum This Month & Oh My Gourd
October means posting Halloween memes online, maybe putting a pumpkin and some mums or something scarier out on the front stoop, and most likely waiting on line to see this year’s Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park.
Sure, the annual JOLS at RWP is a pretty huge deal. (Not gonna lie, I have no idea what the theme is ty, but I’m sure it’ll be boo-ti-ful.)
But how about a vault tour of the hidden treasures that are underneath the one and only natural history museum (and planetarium) in all of Rhode Island? Sounds spook-tacular in the best possible way, right???
The Museum, which first opened in 1896, was designed by the same PVD architects, Martin & Hall, responsible for the original Classical High School, the Shepard building downtown, and Belton Court in Barrington.
Photo Courtesy Of The Museum Of Natural History, RWP Instagram
Whether you’re a Ben Stiller fan or not (My husband and I have agreed to disagree on this...For the record, I like him, but according to the late Joan Rivers, he once snubbed her on the red carpet at some awards show, so there’s that.), you can put a little Night At The Museum (or even a dash of The Royal Tenenbaums…remember the reference to Margot and Richie running away and camping out overnight at American Museum of Natural History? ) vibe into Allhallows Eve season this year with this under-the-radar tour at the RWP Museum Of Natural History and Planetarium on either October 26th or 27th.
Part of their Creepy, Crawly Family Fun Weekend celebration that also includes arts and crafts and a FREE treat bag, these underground tours are $5 and open to kids 4 and over and their families - and anyone else who (like me) thinks it sounds awesome and is up for navigating the staircase down to the basement!
In addition, if you’re someone who writes scary stories or aspires to, I see tons of inspo here.
So…if the idea of exploring never-before-seen items with a potential creep factor of 11 (According to the monthly newsletter, we can expect mini-beasts, spiders, bats, vultures, and more…oh my!) and other treasures (Gotta say, I am curious.), then you’ll want to add THIS to your October agenda.
For complete details, click here.