There's A Halloween Party At This Historic West Side Manse This Weekend & Wow
In the spring of 1891, somewhere in Denver, Colorado a freshly opened bottle of whiskey sat tipped over next to a note reading: “Wish you a happy New Year. Please accept this fine old whiskey from your friend in the woods.” As the whiskey pooled into a waterfall reaching down to the floor two women coughed and writhed in pain nearby. There was a puckering taste afflicting their mouths while an intense burning crept deep in their stomachs. Eventually one of the women recovered; the other suffered for another week before finally losing the battle for her life. On April 19th, 1891 Josephine Barnaby was officially declared murdered. 1,966 miles away the opulent spires of Barnaby Castle were standing tall above Providence’s West Side. The home would from that moment on be tied historically to its city, builder, and a murder mystery.
Jerothmul Bowers Barnaby built the house in 1875 on Broadway. At the time that part of the city was being built up by those who made their fortunes in the merchant or industrial industries as opposed to the East Side’s more blue-blooded roots. With a lavish interior and impressive outward aesthetic Barnaby Castle still charms those passing by. Barnaby died unexpectedly at age 59. At the time, his widow was left short-changed on his inheritance. Her daughter and son-in-law were given a much larger stake. After a dicey legal battle and help from her attorney and friend, Thatcher Graves, Josephine Barnaby ended up with more than a hundred thousand dollars from the estate. The ruling infuriated her daughter and son-in-law and three years later, Josephine ended up poisoned. After a somewhat suspicious murder trial, Thatcher Graves (Many have alluded to his being romantically linked to Josephine.) was convicted of the murder. He later died in prison, allegedly from poisoning himself with arsenic. The story is still up for interpretation and retroactively many have linked the son-in-law to Josephine’s murder but through it all Barnaby’s Castle weathered the storm.
2016 Photo Of The Castle On Broadway Courtesy Of The BC Facebook Page
And while the house still stands, the maintenance has not been easy. Keeping the home looking as it should is expensive and until recently it had fallen on rough times.
Photo Courtesy Of The Barnaby Castle Fascebook Page
But now Barnaby Castle is being properly restored and this Saturday, October 26th you can see it for yourself! Halloween At The Castle is a party unlike any other you’ll attend this season, with an epic costume contest (and complimentary valet parking). Don’t miss your chance to stroll through a part of Providence history and channel your inner 19th-century spirit!
Courtesy Of The Barnaby Castle Facebook Page
General admission tickets are $100 and include: “Doors at 8p, first-floor access. Open bars, bottomless prosecco, tasty local foods from Troop, El Rancho Grande, Great Northern BBQ, Pizza J, Xaco Taco, Whole Foods, Sin, Olneyville System all while you dance the night away.”
There are also VIP access tickets for $200, and they include: “All access to floors 1-3 and the top of the turret. As you enter, have your portrait snapped by Vintage Girl Studio. Enjoy the haunting sounds of Miss Wensday as you stroll the space. Open bars on all levels and food from some of the best local eateries on each floor including Capital Grille, Los Andes, Ellie's, Siena, Oysters from American Mussel, and sushi from Ten Prime. Take in the musical stylings of Resin Ed with cocktails and bottomless champagne. VIP 2 brings you to the very top with some special surprises in store along with beer and wine bar, and yes, more food!”
For more information CLICK HERE and for tickets CLICK HERE.
Thanks for reading!
+ Colin Carlton
About The Author
Colin is the author of Infinite Velocity , a freelance writer, and a regular contributor to this blog.
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