Yacht Club Soda's Dropping A New Sip For Halloween & It Sounds Fantastic
It may seem early to some of you, but for those anxiously following the local press coverage of the work going on behind the scenes for this year’s Jack O’Lantern Spectacular at RWP and quite possibly obsessing over the picture of Beyonce dressed up as late 80’s Lisa Bonet for Halloween 2018 (Spoiler Alert, it’s everything!) that’s now trending on Twitter, welcome.
You’re come to the right place because I have news…
Rhode Island’s own Yacht Club Soda, family owned, in biz for over 100 years, and the official soda of Rhode Island no less, has a brand new made-the-old-fashioned-way (Hellooooo, glass bottles, artesian water, and created in house syrup!) soda for Halloween 2019!
And surprise, it’s NOT pumpkin flavor.
Or pumpkin spice. (I know, right???)
Photo Courtesy Of The Yacht Club Soda Instagram
Named for Mercy Brown, the 19th century RI woman who’s become synonymous with bloodsucking ghouls because of something that’s since come to be known as The Great New England Vampire Panic (Google it. I blogged about it a few years ago and it is crazy to say the least.), their latest soda is an unexpected and fizz-tastic mix of blood orange (Get it, blood orange?) and mango.
Ideal for you and the people in your circle who were never really fans of PL (Hats off to the few brave individuals who have come forward on social and admitted this.) and may be looking for a signature drink for the new season.
Why not treat yourself? I mean, if you’ve never sampled some Yacht Club, you are missing out. I’m not a big soda drinker per se, but I will indulge every now and again if it’s YC. (My go-to is usually one of their signature classic Ginger Ales.)
Pick-up-able at their factory in (You say Centerdale, I say North Providence…tomato, to-mah-to) or at their next appearance at the famous Hope Street Farmers Market in Providence.
+ Yacht Club Soda is located at 2239 Mineral Spring Ave. in North Providence.