Adventures In Getting Great Pizza
Nicole & Me At Nautika
Last Thursday. Nicole and I headed for Nautika, on the water in EG, for pizza and, according to Nicole, to get me blackout drunk – not all that difficult since I rarely drink and actually get drunk on something like one glass of wine but whatever. (Btw, Nic’s blanket solution to any annoyance or problem I might have these days is for me to ‘get blackout drunk’. #20somethingwisdom)
Gotta say it was hopping there, due to fantastic service, fabulous food and a cover band called (conveniently enough) Cover To Cover. Full disclosure – my nephew dates Allegra Micheletti, the daughter of the proprietor’s of Nautika, but that doesn’t mean I’m lying when I say their pizza is some of the best I’ve had in ages. You can taste how fresh the ingredients are and it’s not too thick. Definitely not a fan of thick pizza anymore. It just feels way too heavy and all wrong. Ultimately, Nicole put it best, when she kept saying, about the pizza and the order of calamari we shared – ‘Mario Micheletti has done it again!’ (Mario does the cooking.)
PS – I did have one and a half glasses of wine, after which Nicole was sure I’d fall off the bar stool, but I most definitely did not. #Wink