The Tour Of This NPT Manse Will Make Your Holiday So Much Merrier
This week we motored over to the Newport Mansions to ooh and aah over the Christmas decorations.
So, The Breakers looked fabulous (as always), but I’m here to call your attention to a manse that I feel like doesn’t get enough attention.
Yes, I’m talking about The Elms which was built in 1901 by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Julius Berwiund (Mr. B. had amassed a large fortune in the then booming coal industry.) as their summer home.
The Library At The Elms, Photo Courtesy Of Me
It might not have water views, but what it lacks in that area it more than makes up for in the warm, welcoming, dare-I-say homey energy of the interior. (Can a Gilded Age mansion ever be cozy? You bet!)
My friend S. and I were talking about it all the way home that night. (For the record, that was the first time there for both of us.)
She was so impressed that she went home and actually researched it online. Extensively. Full disclosure, she was showing me Wikipedia entries about it over dinner last night too.
Photo Courtesy Of Me
She was of course blown away by it being only a-few-months-out-of-the-year residence; she also couldn’t believe that it came this close to being demolished back in the 1960’s. (Our collective attitudes toward historic preservation have certainly changed for the better since then. Also, shoutout to The Preservation Society of Newport for stepping in to save the house and the day!)
One Of The Many Merry And Bright Trees You’ll Find At The Elms (Photo Courtesy Of Me)
The really great news is that you still have plenty of time to get to NPT to see the splendor of The Elms, The Breakers, and Marble House.
Did I mention The Elms?
One of my favorite spaces was the sun room with all the greenery and fresh flowers. (See photo below.) I beg you NOT to miss it!
Photo Courtesy Of Me
I say this because all the twinkle lights, poinsettias, and gold and silver will be up until January 1st. Last year we took the tour after the Christmas holiday and it was just as enchanting.
For more info, go to and look for Christmas In Newport.