This Is The First Year This Soccer Clinic For Kids Is Coming To PVD & It Sounds Super
It was intended to be a vehicle for then rising star Lindsay Lohan, but I feel like anyone who saw the original Mean Girls movie (written and produced by none other than Tina Fey) will agree that Rachel McAdams as Regina George (blonde wig notwithstanding) pretty much stole the show.
I mention this because at the end of the movie, we find out that Regina has gone from playing Queen Bee to playing soccer - and I just found out that this Summer in Providence, courtesy of the folks at Santander, there’s a FREE soccer clinic for kids featuring the New England Revolution.
“Soccer is a magical game.” (David Beckham)
Because You’re Looking For Something New For The Kiddos To Do
Their 5th annual FREE public clinic (For the record, there’s a scarcity of synonyms available for the term sports clinic. This is coming from someone who’s decidedly more bookish than sporty, but whatevs.) offers locals ages 5 thru 12 and their families the opportunity to not only meet their fave players (Yes, there absolutely will be photo and autograph time scheduled!), but kiddos will also be able to get instruction from NE Revolution athletes and coaches, watch demos, and run drills.
This their first ever multi-stop series of youth clinics kicks off (get it…kicks off? soccer? ⚽️⚽️⚽️) in PVD at Providence College on July 10th from 2 to 4pm, with additional days scheduled in both Boston and Hartford.
Parents and guardians can sign their children up by CLICKING HERE, but spots do go fast (This is all on a first come, first serve basis.), so don’t dilly dally!