You'll Be Crushing On The Incredible Valentine's Sweets From This Iconic RI Candy Co.
No running to the corner drugstore for mass market (meh) chocolates, not when the folks at Sweenor’s, who have been in business in Rhode Island for something like 62 years (!!!), are bringing their Valentine sweets ‘A’ game once again this year. You might say that they’re the Tom Brady (wink) of candy makers.
Can-dy you make February 14th more wonderful and Insta-worthy (let’s not kid ourselves, absolutely everyone’s taking photos specifically for IG these days, from your grandma who only just got a smart phone two years ago to your next door neighbor who clearly could use a photo editing tutorial) for your S.O.? Your momma? Or that great friend you haven’t been able to hang with since last January or February?
Sure — especially when you start with one of their signature truffle boxes. (See photo below.)
All Photos You See Here Are Courtesy Of The Sweenor’s Chocolates Instagram.
Looking to branch out from that classic option? Well, you, my friend, are in luck because they’ve sprung something exceptional on us this winter: a chocolate and foil wrapped ROSE! Pick up one or a full bouquet for that someone you adore before they sell out.
And if you just so happen to still be living for those (old school) conversation hearts, Sweenor’s continues to pay homage with a fun 21st century update, namely, a lovely mini box filled with their spin on those familiar heart shaped candies. Delish, and locally made too! The perfect sweet add-on (to maybe some bling from Providence Diamond, only a few doors down from Sweenor’s GCC location) for your sweetie.
For even more Sweenor’s treats for 02-14-2021 and beyond, you’ll want to scan their site