The Farm In Little Compton Where You Can Visit With Adorable Alpacas

Looking for something fun-tastic and a little different to do this Spring?

I humbly suggest hanging out with and hand feeding the adorable alpacas — also a Jersusalem donkey, some Swedish quacks (errr, ducks) and chickens — at Hope Alpaca Farm in Little Compton, Rhode Island.

Imagine, if you will, being out of doors on a lovely piece of land (that’s been passed down now to the 5th generation) in LC and reconnecting with nature by way of these sweet and almost-plush-toy-like (down to the ginormous eyes) beings.

Speaking of which, the glowing and wonderful stuff that you’ve heard about alpacas?

We lived it and discovered that it was indeed true.

Also: You will want to alpaca some hand wipes because frankly although these animals are darling, they will slobber all over your hands whilst you’re feeding them. (Full disclosure, they will spit at one another, but unlike llamas, their cousins in the camel family, they won’t take aim at you.)

Two more things before I forget, there is a fee and you will need to book your visit in advance via email: Get the complete details at

As always, when you go, please let them know you were inspired by Patty J and

Photo Credits: All of the above photos are courtesy of us.

*This post has been updated from one that has appeared previously on the site.