We Had Lunch At These Rhode Island Igloos Overlooking The Water PLACES TO GOPatty JJanuary 6, 2025Narragansett, CoastGuardHouse, WinterinRhodeIsland, GansettRI, IglooDining, NarragansettBeachComment
Take A Relaxing Sauna On This Rhode Island Beach This Winter PLACES TO GOPatty JJanuary 3, 2025LittleComptonRI, AltaerSauna, WinterinRhodeIsland Comments
The Ice Bumper Cars Are Back In Providence At City Center Skating Rink PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 26, 2024PVDRI, BankNewportCityCenter, DowncityProvidence, ProvidenceRhodeIsland, IceBumperCars, BumperCarsOnIceComment
The Providence Greenhouses Decked Out With 2,000 Poinsettias And Christmas Trains PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 19, 2024RWPPark, RWPBotanicalCenter, ChristmasInProvidenceComment
The Charming Charlestown Store For Afternoon Christmas Shopping PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 18, 2024CharlestownRI, SimplePleasures, ChristmasinRhodeIslandComment
We Found The Cutest Santa Claus House In Rhode Island PLACES TO GOPatty JDecember 12, 2024BristolRI, SantaClausHouseBristol, EastBayRI, BristolRhodeIsland, ChristmasInBristolComment